出演者、関係者そしてお客様と手と手をつないでのスーパー歌舞伎II「ワンピース」  の初日 




今日の初日は開演前の猿之助さん  のご挨拶 マイクで始まりました


幕が上がった 途端から舞台も観客席も大盛り上がりの初日 演劇  拍手  ラブほっこりゲラゲラキラキラ 音譜

開演前の客席をルフィくん  と眺めていると


「麦わらの挑戦」でルフィ  に挑戦する尾上右近くん  が!




門之助  ハロウィン

Hand in hand with the cast, staff and audience, we’ve finished the opening day of Super Kabuki Second “One Piece” At Shinbashi Enbujyou.

We started the day with the speech by Ennosuke san.

Thanks to all of you, both the stage and audience were sooo excited.

As I was looking at the seats with Luffy before the curtain rised, Ukon kun came up.

He’s going to appear as Luffy in “The Challenge of the Straw Hat”.

Don’t forget to come to the theater to see “The Challenge of the Straw Hat”, everyone!