昨日、大相撲9月場所は横綱日馬富士  の優勝 🏆 で幕を閉じましたね

「ワンピース」  のお稽古のため、佐渡ケ嶽部屋の千秋楽パーティー 🍾 🥂 には出席できないので


親方のご長男「琴鎌谷」くん  とは同い年の幼馴染 





門之助  ハロウィン

"September Grand Sumo Tournament" ended with the victory of Yokozuna Harumafuji yesterday.

My daughter and wife attended the celebration party on behalf of me who couldn't be there.

My daughter is the same age as Sadogatake Stable master's son "Koto Kamatani" and  has known each other since childhood.

You two have grown up a lot!