昨日のお休みには出光美術館  で「江戸の琳派芸術」 を見て来ました。


ほとんどが江戸時代の絵師、酒井抱一  の作品

琳派らしいモチーフの中についつい自分の紋の紅葉  を探すあせる私 目

だって気になっちゃうんだよなぁ 口笛




門之助  ハロウィン

Went to Idemitsu Museum to see "The Art of Edo Rinpa".

Rinpa is one of the schools of paintings in Edo Period.

They exhibit mainly the works of Houitsu.

I can't help trying to find motifs of maple which is a symbol of Monnosuke when I see paintings.

Had a break at "Kaboku" by Ippoudou.