勝浦の町の中にある「あまからや」 で絶品の青椒肉絲かたやきそば 



満  足  

ここはおこげ料理や酸辣湯麺もおいしい アップ

東京まで出前してほしいな 爆笑

お腹いっぱいになっちゃったから、ちょっとお散歩 口笛


漁港らしい佇まい 🛥  🛥 🛳 🚢  ⚓️ 🐟 🦐 🐙 🦑



あぁすっかり汗だく になっちゃった

夏限定のかき氷屋  さん まだやってるかな はてなマーク





勝浦の町は15日から始まる大漁祭り 祭 の準備が始まってる



美しい景色 🎑🏞🌅 波を目に焼き付けて 目



さあ東京へ帰ろう 車DASH!


Had fried noodles with stir-fried shereded beef and green pepper at "Amakaraya".

It's a local Chinese restaurant but they serve incredibly awesome dishes, such as hot and sour noodles and sizzling scorched dishes.

Wish they deliver these dishes to my home in Tokyo.

Phew, I'm full.

Let's take a walk for a while.

The town remains the feel of good old days of fishing port.

I'm soaking wet.

Maybe I've walked too much.

I wonder if the mom-and-pop candy store that serves shaved ice only for summer is still open today...

The town is preparing for fall festival starting from 15th.

Well, I must admit that the fall has come.

It's time to say goodbye to the sea and head back  to Tokyo.