山羊  のメーちゃんのいるお蕎麦屋さんで絶品の天せいろアップ


ここはなんだか軽井沢みたいで落ち着くんだよな 照れ

メーちゃん  は今日は「お山の大将」 富士山 ウシシ



ここは鴨川の里山にあるガラス作家鈴木洋史さん  のスタジオ




さあ今日は何を作ろうっかなぁ〜 口笛








Had soba noodles with tempura at my favorite soba restaurant where a goat called May chan is.

It always makes me feel like relaxed as if I'm in Karuizawa here.

May chan is the king of a wooden castle today.

Then I headed to the glass studio of an glass artist Youji Suzuki in a beautiful mountainside of Kamogawa.

It's so fun to make glass art that more than a decade has passed since I started going there.

After a while, I decided to make a glass for myself.

I was sooo happy to see peaceful sunset when I came home in Katsuura, afterwards.