
浜を大名行列が練り歩く珍しいお祭り 波  祭



でも深夜までお神輿が練り歩き、クライマックスは深夜0:00過ぎのお宮入りだそう びっくり


満点の星空の下 星空 いつもは静かな海辺の町に祭囃子が響きます


夜店はかき氷やさん  とフライドポテト🍟屋さんが2軒だけのシンプルで厳かなお祭り祭 でした 



It's a special day for Ubara today, 

A daimyo's (a local king's) dignified procession marches along the beach in Ubara.

Since I didn't have had a chance to see it, I was hoping to do so.

Then I found myself being in the sea instead, however.

 But someone told us that they're going to carry portable shrine around the town at night and we decided to go there.

It was so simple and dignified that made us impressed very much.