昨日は家のパソコン  💻 がダウン ダウン してしまい えーん 


問題解決後   外に出てみたら何やら物々しい雰囲気 🚨 👮‍♀️👮🏻👮🏻

映画「関ヶ原」🎬  の完成披露イベントだって 

ってことは平岳大さん  もいるんじゃない?

でも多くのスタッフがガード 👮‍♀️👮🏻👮🏻👮‍♀️👮🏻👮🏻 していて近寄れないや ダウン


平岳大さん  との再会を諦めて、人形町へ頭合わせに


来月はどんな芝居  になるんだろう



するとそこには友右衛門さん  が… びっくり

お兄さん  も人形町、来てたんですね

昨日は「ニアミス」⁇ の1日でしたチュー

ところで人形町を歩いていたらこんな張り紙📌が キョロキョロ





I took my broken PC to a support store in "La La Port Toyosu" to have it fixed.

After that, I happened to walk in a site for a film "Sekigahara" premiere where elaborate security precautions were taken.


That means Hira Takehiro san should be here right now.

Because of the security, I gave up of seeing him and headed to wig fitting for August Kabuki in Ningyocho.

I wonder what the play is going to be like.

While, my wife went to Imahan meat store in Ningyocho where she met Tomoemon san.

I didn't know you were there, Oniisan.

It's a day of "near misses".

As I was walking along the street in Ningyocho, I saw an advertisement looking for extras for the movie "Inori no Maku ga Oriru Toki".

Maybe I should apply for it?