大きな太鼓橋を渡って住吉大社へお参り 神社 



楠珺社の大きな楠の木 🌲


玉垣内の中から「五」「大」「力」の書いてある石を探して    御守りにするんですって  




全部揃った アップ




この石を持って軽く感じたら願い  が叶うとか 




When you cross a big arched bridge, you see the main shrine of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine where you  pray. 

There's a big camphor tree  in Nankunsha.

It was the first time for me to visit there.

Within the stone barriers, you need to find stones with the Kanji character signifying "five", "big" and "power" and make them your good luck charms, they say.

It was fun to hold "Omokaru Ishi" and try to feel if it is heavy or light at Oitoshi Boshisha".

They say that if you feel light, your wish will come true.

And if not...

Well, we'll see.

Maybe because I'm affected by "Natsumatsuri Naniwakagami" in Kabuki, I found myself trying to find the barber there.