お台場のソメイヨシノ 🌸 はすっかり葉桜 汗






八重桜って遠くから見ると桜餅 桜餅 に見えませんか はてなマーク

桜餅がたくさんなってる感じ 桜餅 桜餅 桜餅 びっくり

と言うわけで、今日は妻が作ってくれた桜餅 桜餅 を 桜茶  とともにいただきました 



門之助  桜餅

Cherry blossoms called "Someiyoshino" have fallen and are revealing a young leaves now in Odaiba.

And now, double flowered cherry trees are almost in full bloom.

Don't you think that they look like "sakura mochi"?

Seeing double flowered cherry trees always reminds me of "sakura mochi".

Had salted sakura tea and sakura mochi wife has made this afternoon.