猿之助さん   楽屋で髭を剃り剃り、俄か生徒の僕 チュー と壱太郎くん  相手に熱弁を振るってます 


東京国立博物館  で開催されている特別展「茶の湯」 で展示されている品々の由来、詳細を説明してくれました ニヤニヤ


是非見てビックリマークと言うことで …


事前のレクチャーのお陰で何倍も楽しめました 音譜




鶴屋吉信の休みどころでお菓子とペットボトル入りのお抹茶 ラブ




猿之助さん   のお陰で充実した1日でした アップ


門之助  桜餅

Shaving his face, Ennosuke san was explaining about the origins and details of tea bowls and water jars passionately to me and Kazutaro kun who are not well informed.

He was persuading me to go and see "Chanoyu" - The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan - at Tokyo National Museum.


I'm going!

Thanks to him, I could enjoy the exhibition so much.

Took a rest with Japanese sweets and a bottle of tea at a small cafe by Tsuruya Yosinobu.

Surprisingly the tea is as great as genuine green tea.

Had a great day, thanks to Ennosuke san!