今日はホテル ホテル から劇場 演劇 までのバス 🚌 から見える門さんぽ   です 

渋滞の中 車 車 🚌 車 🚲 車 車車  その日に依ってルートが変ります 

劇場まで20分から、混んでいると50分  🚌    

ハラハラ、ドキドキです 滝汗   

北京駅 電車  地下鉄  この字は毛沢東が書いたそうです。


天壇公園  劇場の隣りですが、とても広く びっくり 時間がないので行けません 汗          


お天気は良い   のだけれど、太陽の輪郭  がまだ見えたことがありません 

大気汚染 ドクロ で夜もこの通り


マスクは離せません えーん

門之助  桜餅

Today, let me show you the views you can see on the bus from our hotel to the theater.

Because of terrible traffic jam, it depends which route you take.

It takes from 20 to 50 minutes which makes us quite upset.

This is the photo of the Beijing station. Can you see the sign? It's written by Mao Tse-tung.

Temple of Heaven.
Although it is located next to the theater, it's so huge that we can't go around since we have limited free time.

You see how polluted the air? The weather is fine but even at night you can see "smogs".