

築地の聖路加看護大学は、浅野内匠頭  の屋敷跡です 家


そして文豪 芥川龍之介 本 の生誕の地 でもあるんです ニコニコ


因みに私と娘が産まれたのもこの聖路加国際病院 病院 でした ウインク



It is the day that the 47 masterless "ronin" from Akoo region raided Kira's mansion.

Their master Asano Takumi No Kami had been harshly insulted by Kira.

Not being able to keep his anger in, Asano Takumi No Kami almost killed Kira and ended up taking his own life by seppuku, as punishment.

Masterless samurais planned years and years to revenge for his master on Kira.

This is one of Japan's most famous revenge story.

On the way to Kabukiza, I dropped by at St. Luke's International University in Tsukiji which used to be the site of Asano Takumi No Kami.

It's also the place where Ryunosuke Akutagawa was born.

What is more, I myself and my daughter were born there (St. Luke's International Hospital).