尾張屋さんの天丼 🍤 がどうしても食べたくなって、浅草へ 

久しぶりに訪れた浅草は、中村屋さんのお練りの余韻が残る賑わいでした アップアップアップ

ごま油の香ばしい香りと出汁の香りに引き込まれるようにお店へ ラブ



お煎餅やさんでお煎餅 を選んでいたら、いつもブログを読んでくださっていると言う方と遭遇 びっくり


焼きたてのメロンパン メロンパン まで買っちゃった 口笛



I don't know why but I desperately wanted to eat "tendon" of Owariya in Asakusa for lunch today.

Asakusa was filled with passion and enthusiasm by the parade of Nakamura ya san.

The aroma of sesame oil and smell of "dashi'  lured me and stimulated my appetite.

There are lots of nice shops and restaurants in Asakusa.

As I was looking for rice crackers at a rice cracker shops, a lady came up to me and started talking. 

On the way back, I've also bought a melon-shaped bun fresh from the oven.