またまた台風 台風 が上陸し、各地で被害が出ているようですが、皆様ご無事でしょうか?DASH! 雨


そんな台風の中、清泉女子大学の歌舞伎サークル  の皆さんが、楽屋を訪ねてくださいました 




門之助 ヒマワリ

Another typhoon hit Boso Peninsula and causing various damages.

Hope all of you are not hurt ...

I'd like to express my sympathy to all the victims of the typhoon.

Despite of such bad weather, students of kabuki circle in Seisen University visited me in Kabukiza.

The interview they did will be presented at Seisen Festival on October 29 th and 30th.

Hope I can go and have a look if I have time.