今日は西日本から東海まで梅雨明けとなりましたね 晴れ



そんな日にもってこいの「アイスまんじゅう」を頂きました ニコニコ



幼い頃に泳いだ大海原、泳ぎ疲れた夕方から皆で楽しんだ線香花火… 波  浮き輪   宇宙人   かに座   打ち上げ花火

あぁ〜  夏っていいなぁ〜  

門之助 クローバー

Finally, rainy season is over in the west part of Japan.

Hope summer is coming to east, also.

It's surprisingly hot and humid in Tokyo.

I have received wonderful present for such a day, "iced dumpling".

It tasted like remind me of my childhood days.

Boundless blue skies and ocean, small fireworks I played after swimming in sea...

Ooooh, how much I love summer!