夏の我が家のオリジナルドリンクは、赤紫蘇のジュースと自家製ジンジャーエール  赤ワイン  白ワイン



新生姜のジンジャーエールも作り方は至って簡単 ウインク



以上、いつも私は作るのを見ているだけです 口笛

門之助 クローバー

Besides "red perilla juice", my wife makes another homeade drink every summer:  "ginger ale" with young ginger.

Both red perillas and young gingers are seasonal vegetables, when you find them on sale, you need to buy them right away or you'll miss them.

Recipes for ginger ale are essy.

Of course you can make it with "usual" ginger, however, only young ginger can make the light pink color whe you add lemon. 

The flavour and taste of young ginger make you relax.

Well, well, well, that's what I've heard from my wife.

I don't make any of the drinks.