歌舞伎座六月大歌舞伎公演   のお稽古は、今日から始まっていますが、私の出演いたします「四の切」はまだ始まっていません 

さて今日は来月に備えて、美容院へ ハサミクシ

その途中、偶然付き人さんに銀座で遭遇 びっくり


改めて笑っちゃったなぁ~ 爆笑




門之助 クローバー

The rehearsal for "June Kabuki at Kabukiza" has started from today.

However l, the rehearsal for "Kitsune Tadanobu" has not started yet.

Have been to beauty salon to get ready for stage.

On the way to the salon, I happened to encounter my attendant in the center of Ginza and she showed me the treasured video of the curtain call of "One Piece" on the final day at Hakataza.

It made me burst out laughing, again.

Otsuru san was dancing!

The above photo is with manager Takayama san and myself looking nice? with new hair cut.