爽やかな天気に誘われて  横浜 イカリマーク へ行ってきました 

バラや茉莉花などの初夏の花     黄色い花 コスモス が咲き乱れる港の見える丘公園を通って、神奈川近代文学館へ。


開催中の夏目漱石  本  の「100年目に出会う」展を観て来ました

元町まで歩いたらすっかり喉が渇いて、喜久家さんで、お茶…  コーヒー







子どもの頃、自分が襲名する名前が「小米」 だということを初めて聞かされたのはこのホテルのレストラン ナイフとフォークでした



門之助 クローバー

Beautiful weather led us to Yokohama.

Through "Minato No Mieruoka Park" filled with roses, jasmines and other early summer flowers, we visited Kanagawa Museum Of Modern Literature.

The exhibition about a Japanese famous novelist Soseki Natume is now open, there.

Because I was so thirsty, we went to Kikuya Tearoom, after walking down to Motomachi.

I meant to have something cold to drink...

But then...

I ate "Almond Tart Cake".

This photo is Hotel New Grand in Yamashita Koen.

It was at the restaurant in this hotel that I learnt the name I was going to succeed was "Koyone" when I was a kid.

As usual, we went to Chinatown to have dinner.

Indeed, Yokohama has a touch of exotic and at the same time, nostalgic charm, still now.