今日はハワイ州立大学にお知り合いの先生を訪ねて来ました 音譜










これに対し学生たちは拍手で先生の授業を讃え 拍手   互いに一年間一緒に過ごしたことを感謝し抱き合ったり写真を撮りあったり   と、微笑ましく温かな光景が見られました 


美しい自然と素晴らしい先生、友人の中で学べるなんて、うらやましいですね  本 やしの木波

門之助 クローバー

I visited a professor of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

She showed us various theatrical facilities of the department. 

Not only acting and dancing of Asia, they also teach puppetry.

This is the door of a faculty staff, saying "Please feed the monster!"

See, a lots of dolls.

This is "a Chakuto ban"; a wooden attendance checking board you put in a red pin when  you come to theatre to show that you're present",  of the University of Hawaii version when the students performed "Narukami" long time ago.

Since it was the last class of the academic year today, professors were wishing the students do their best in exams and good lucks in their futures.

The students, while on the other hand, appreciating and praising their teachers for the wonderful classes throughout the year.

By holding or taking pictures each other, they were appreciating the times they had passed together.

They were such beautiful and heartwarming scenes.

Studying in a beautiful nature and among wonderful faculty stuff and friends, I'm sure the times they spent together in this school will be precious memories for them.