今日はノースショアのサンセットビーチへ 波


ランチは好物 ラブのジョバンニのガーリックシュリンプ  



何年か前にこのジョバンニのランチワゴンの前で列に並んでいたら、「門之助さん」と呼び止められました びっくり








帰り道は島を半周して来ました 車


門之助 クローバー

Drove down to Sunset Beach in North Shore today.

Had my favorite Giovanni's garlic shrimp plate for lunch.

Among many lunch wagons, this is the best and most popular plate lunch in North Shore and there are always many tourists and locos making lines.

Several years ago, when I was making lines there, a Japanese guy came up to me and started talking to me.

He said that he liked kabuki and had seen me perform.

It was a memorable experience to be spoken to by a Japanese more than 6000 km away from Tokyo, especially in North Shore.

By the way, I happened to discover new favorite sweets there.

Mochi Icecream!

On the way back, I decided to go up along the coast and then coming down to Waikiki.