
本日は博多座「ワンピース」     公演の千穐楽  


毎日沢山のお客様の笑顔 照れ ラブと「また見たい!」とのうれしいお言葉の数々












皆様のご声援こそが「ワンピース」再演の後押しとなります 演劇

どうか変わらぬお引き立てを何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます ニコニコ




門之助 クローバー

At last, it's the closing day today at Hakataza!

Since "One Piece" has raised the curtain first in the last October at Shinbashi Enbujyo, it's been a smash hit, thanks to you.

We have seen so many smiles with the words "I'll be coming back to see the show!" everyday.

We have experienced the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake during the performance this month near us.

Right after the disaster, we had not been sure whether we could continue the stage, but thanks to all of you, we are able to come to the closing day today.

However, to find some vacant seats in the audience area, my heart aches for those who couldn't come to the show because of the disaster.

I have received messages from so many people through stage and this blog.

"Although I've been looking forward to going to Hakataza, I am not able to achieve it due to the cut off traffics by the earthquakes. However, I am wishing that those who can go there enjoy the show as much as possible. Please do enjoy our share, too!"

I've received messages as such above have been sent to me. 

There are people who are anxious about us even though they themselves are under severe conditions.

Of course, so many people from all over Japan sent messages to the victims in the area.

Every single word has become a memorable one for me.

During intervals, we have collected charity donations and so many people donated for it.

I am feeling that our heart becomes one with the lyrics "hand in hand" and Hakataza is filled with love and tenderness.

I am deeply grateful for being able to perform in this "One Piece".

It is your support and encouragement that will back up "One Piece" to be re-staged.

Hoping to see you again also those of you who can't come to theatre this time, on the stage of "One Piece".

Again, I am hoping that the missing college student will be found as soon as possible and the recovery of the affected area will be promoted as soon as possible so that the victims can go back to their usual daily life.