
四時半開演なので、「門散歩」(笑) 口笛

博多座の前を通り冷泉公園の満開の桜 桜 を見ながら川端商店街へ。

ジャーン びっくり

前から猿之助さん登場!   目

猿之助さんを誘って近くの宝くじ屋さんで「ワンピース」        スクラッチくじを購入 ¥


皆様のご来場お待ちしております おねがい


門之助  桜

The opening of "One Piece" today at Hakataza.

I decided to take a walk as I had some time before going to the theatre since we have only soirée today.

I passed right in front of Hakataza and after viewing the cherry blossoms in full bloom at Reizei Park, I went to Kawabata shopping street.


Ennosuke san was coming towards me!

I tempted him to go to a lottery stand nearby and buy that of "One Piece" version.

I feel like something good is going to happen.

Please do come and see the show!