終演後、日のある内に 晴れ 外へ出られるのは、嬉しいものです 


ルノアール展でしたが私は日本画コレクションの中の杉山寧さんの作品に目が行ってしまいます キョロキョロ


その後は、松竹座のそばのホノルルコーヒーのパンケーキ ホットケーキ



So glad that I can get out of the theater after stage   before sun sets.

I've been to Sanno Museum in Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka which is a walking distance from Shochikuza, today.

Currently, Renoir Exhibition has been held there.

However, what I was attracted to most was the works by Yasushi Sugiyama.

If you go to the section of traditional Japanese paintings, you'll be amzed by the works of Kaii Higashiyama, Insho Domoto and Yasushi Sugiyama. 

After the museum, I had pancakes at Honolulu Coffee close to Shochikuza.

Now that I had enough desserts, I'm afraid I can't eat dinner tonight! 

Monnosuke 桜