
昨日アップしきれなかった琴奨菊関の結婚披露宴  での写真です 



さて今日は良いお天気になりましたね 晴れ

河津桜と思われる桜もすっかり蕾が膨らみ、ほころび始めました 桜



Let me show you the photo of the wedding reception of Kotoshogiku zeki I couldn't added to my blog yesterday.

Following the late stable master and his wife, they held a ceremony at the party in front of the attendances, although it was a "reception".

Well, it's been a good day today.

Cherry blossoms, seemingly Kawazu Zakura have begun to swell and bloom.

You know, when you feel spring is coming certainly in cold winter, it makes you happy and excited.
