
TorqueとTorque curveの違いをまずは説明します!

Let me analysis What’s different “ Torque “ and  “ Torque curve”



Torque curveはカウンターを当てた中間~フル舵角時のフロントグリップを調整可能です

“ Torque “ function so called is front grip zone for the Steering 100/100 range !
“Torque curve “ is grip level  from the middle EPA to full counter EPA steering.



Curve high “ is prepared for second half extra traction in the slippery floor .




For example the image layout



Looking Here!!!!!


旋回に入るエリアなので、カウンターは深まっていきます、そこでTorque curveが効いてきます

So far we calling Here with “ Touch & GO “ Zone to start thru operation “ torque curve “ function to main the high counter steering into aggressive curve!


Torque curveが高いとアウトからインにマシンを持っていきやすいです

If you selected torque curve high value , there is easily to make inner line adjustment!



The opposite of the Torque curve is lower value, there is automatic to outer lining on !


このように、旋回させたい方向でTorque curveを決定して下さい