限界を超えて、京大への扉を開ける | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。




















 My life was a series of challenges. The moment just before I was to take the Nagoya University entrance exam, I was hospitalized for neurosis, ignored the doctor's advice, took the exam, and passed the exam. It was then that I knew the power that lay dormant within me.

 The sense of helplessness I felt while teaching at Logan Junior High School in the United States. I questioned the state of English education and began to search for a way to carve out a future for myself outside the classroom.

 My attempts at prep schools, cram schools, and vocational schools began in Nagoya. But all of my resumes were ignored. But I did not give up. I took the Eiken Level 1 test, the national exam for interpreter guides, the United Nations English Proficiency Test Level A, and the Business English Proficiency Test Level A.... Amidst the mixed signals of passing and failing, I held on to my beliefs.

 After obtaining my qualifications, I sent my resume to the same prep school again. During my 14 years of service, I became the second most popular instructor among my students.

When faced with the question, "Can a graduate of a prestigious university teach students taking the Kyoto University entrance exam? I then shared my experience with my students. Under my guidance, students were accepted to Kyoto University for 10 consecutive years. Six of them were admitted to medical schools.

 With the advent of the Internet age, my teaching took on a new form: videos on YouTube, followers on my blog, and postings on "My Strategy to Pass Kyoto University. The knowledge has reached more and more people.

 My life has been a series of setbacks and challenges. But it is the experiences I have gained through them that have made me what I am today. Pushing beyond my limits, I opened the door to Kyoto University. And I can only hope that many others will take my hand and follow the same path.
京大医学部医学科6名(2024,2022, 2016, 2014, 2013)
名大医学部医学科2名(2018, 2013)








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