挫折は次へのステップ、京大受験生 | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。






 fall prey to            の餌食となる

 humane                人道的な

 underscore            強調する

 cordial                   誠心誠意の

 recount                 列挙する

 outnumber            数で勝る











0Real People (1)
   Can you enjoy English movies and cartoons without subtitles?

 I was under the misconception that if I reached the level of Eiken Level 1, I could understand English movies and songs. Because, even if you actually pass the English Level 1, you can't listen to them. Even though I had classes in English at an American junior high school.

 One day, I realized why. What I couldn't hear was often when the main character's emotions exploded and he shouted. For example, "Hey, fuck you! I could not hear the words because I am not a returnee, and I am not an English speaker. Because I am not a returnee from abroad and grew up with "English for entrance exams. Naturally, I learned English at school. School is a grand fictional world.

 Textbooks and reference books are the ideal world. You will never hear the expression, "I'm going to crack your head open!" You will never hear the expression, "I'm going to smash your skull!
But that is no way to understand the real world or real English.

 Because the true feelings of human beings are revealed when emotions explode. If you avoid that, you will never learn real English.



京大医学部医学科4名(2022, 2016, 2014, 2013)


名大医学部医学科2名(2018, 2013)

慶応医学部医学科2名(2019, 2018)



 名古屋大学卒業後、アメリカユタ州で中学校教師をした後、帰国。英検1級、通訳ガイドの国家試験、国連英検A級、ビジネス英検A級などに合格。京大二次試験を7回受けて出題傾向を調査。英語81%、数学70%の正解率。少林寺拳法二段。ジャッキー・チェンの前でヌンチャクを披露したことが自慢。「私の京大合格作戦」(エール出版)2020年度版から2022年度版に漫画化されて掲載。チャットワークを用いた質問無制限の通信添削を全国の難関校受験生対象に募集中。「高木教育センター」検索。桑名市大山田「陽だまりの丘」で指導中。I always do my best. 指導を希望される方は、HPをご覧ください。