小さな個人塾から京大医学部合格者が4名でたワケ | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。













3,アメリカで教師をしていて、英検1級に合格し、名古屋の河合塾学園などで講師をしていたといった事実を YouTube などの動画、ブログなどで発信して広報に努める。







My cram school is located in a small town with a population of less than 50,000 in Mie Prefecture. Educational enthusiasm is "low" as is typical of local towns. Therefore, we cannot attract excellent students only from local commuting students.

 Therefore, I started recruiting "correspondence students" more than 10 years ago. This was right around the time when many high school students began to have smartphones. Of course, there are big companies like Z-kai, so there is no easy way to recruit them.

 I came up with the following three countermeasures at that time.

1, Take Kyoto University several times by myself (I ended up taking it 7 times), research "the scoring standard of Kyoto University that no one knows", and provide that information to students.

2、Take Zukai for several years (I took Zukai for 8 years after all) and "steal the method of correspondence correction" on a large scale, improve it, and instruct students (unlimited Q&A via chatwork).

3、To publicize the fact that he was a teacher in the U.S., passed Eiken Level 1, and taught at Kawaijuku Gakuen in Nagoya, etc., through YouTube and other videos, blogs, etc.

 As a result, he was able to "pass Kyoto University for 10 years in a row" and "pass 4 medical school students". My strategy for success at Kyoto University" (Yale Publishing Co., Ltd.) was also introduced in manga form from the 2020 edition to the 2022 edition.

 The fees for my correspondence course are lower than those of major companies. That is because I already receive a pension and I work at a cram school in Kuwana and receive a salary. Therefore, being a correspondence student is like a hobby for me. It is almost like volunteering (laughs).