独創的な人は、退屈しません | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。













 We are people and we need to feel that we are "creating something". When we pursue something and complete it, we feel genuine joy. If we are not careful, we will lose the feeling of "creating something" in the examination system, and we will not feel joy.

 The key word is "forced. People do not feel that they are "creating something" when they are doing what they are forced to do. Eventually, they become bored and lose the joy of life. Some people will despair and choose death.

 Compulsion means that one has to wear a uniform, one has to have a designated hairstyle, one has to follow the curriculum, one has to participate in club activities because they are compulsory, and so on. These bundles of "musts" are called school rules. This is the worst of all.

 A child who can study well ignores these school rules. It is not rebellion. Smart kids are good at living according to their beliefs, so they don't do anything wasteful. They can do whatever they want, they just don't violate the school rules most of the time. However, when it comes to studies, if they feel that the curriculum and even homework is pointless, they will ignore it. If your grades are top notch, the teachers have no say in the matter.



2023年度 大阪大学「医学部」3名                       

2022年度 京都大学「医学部」 京都大学「経済学部」

2021年度 京都大学「理学部」 京都大学「経済学部」

2020年度 京都大学「工学部」2名


