京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(242) | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。





 日本人は平和ボケしているのでLINEでの情報は「韓国」に筒抜けでも、LINEは止めない。Tik Tokでの情報は「中国」に筒抜けでも、Tik Tokは止めない。日本人の個人情報は無料で取れるから韓国も中国もやりたい放題。












 Japanese people are so peaceful that they will not stop LINE even if information on LINE is transmitted to "Korea", and they will not stop Tik Tok even if information on Tik Tok is transmitted to "China". Both Korea and China can do whatever they want because they can get Japanese people's personal information for free.

 Whenever there is an incident, Japanese people always make a fuss about their personal information being leaked, but I wonder if they don't get what they deserve.

 The Chinese government may be able to obtain information on U.S. users through the Chinese video-sharing app TikTok.

 When I teach entrance examinations, I don't think Japanese students can compete with students of the same age from Korea and China. They are too soft-hearted. They believe that it is "justice" to adjust the class level and progress to the students who fail, because they feel sorry for those who fail.

 There was a program that reported the cheating situation in China and South Korea in a funny way, but this is no time to make fun of it. Many people in China and Korea are not law-abiding. Winning is good enough. The winner is the one who wins.

 While we are laughing at the fake Mickey Mouse, Japan is being overtaken by China.


