「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(102) | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。





No one in the world is so unintelligent as a single Japanese, and no one so bright as two.  (ジョン・ガンサー)










 He is an American journalist and the author of "Inside Asia" (1939). He says that the Japanese are one of the few fools in the world, but that when two people are together, they are extremely clever. I think this is the impression of the Japanese from the world's point of view.

 In other words, when one person is asked for his/her opinion, he/she does not speak clearly. Therefore, they look like idiots, but in fact, they are only concerned about the reactions of those around them. When two people are asked to share their opinions, and they realize that others agree with them, they feel at ease and begin to speak their true feelings.

 That is how abnormal the "peer pressure" is in Japan. If we continue this practice, we will be treated like idiots by the rest of the world.

 Why is this happening? The major cause is "schools. Wear these clothes, these shoes, this hairstyle, this underwear color, use this problem book. By world standards, it's a prison or an army.