「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(91) | 「京大」を7回受け、英語8割の英検1級講師「京大セブン」が添削したら、10年連続「京大」合格(うち4名は医学部医学科)。





Life is either a darling adventure or nothing.  (Helen Keller)


 三重苦と言われるヘレンケラーにとって前半生は nothing だったのかもしれない。しかし、サリバン先生と果敢な挑戦を繰り返しているうちに冒険に満ちた充実した人生に変わっていった。








  The first half of her life may have been nothing for Helen Keller, who is said to have a triple handicap. However, as she and Dr. Sullivan took on new challenges, her life became full of adventure and fulfillment.

 I would like to be an excellent leader like Shoin Yoshida and Dr. Sullivan. To become such a leader, "first of all, I" must fill my life with daring challenges. Otherwise, it is impossible to teach.

 At first, the adventure begins in the mind. Helen Keller may have lost her sight and hearing to obtain external information, so her inner world may have been more expansive than we can imagine. It irritates me when I see students who blame only their schools and teachers, even though they are in perfect physical condition.

 It is not possible to pass the school of one's choice with that kind of attitude.