The combination of hatred and technology is the greatest danger threatening mankind. (Simon Wiesenthal)
This person is a Jew who survived the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. In World War II, science and technology were used by the Nazis as tools for genocide. Even now, Russia's advanced science and technology is being used to massacre many innocent people in Ukraine.
In the Yayoi period, when science and technology had not been developed, weapons were at most bow and sword level, so hundreds of thousands of people would not have been killed in an instant like the atomic bombs. We, too, in the 21st century, are dreading the possibility that the war in Ukraine will lead to World War III.
But, as the man says, "the link between hatred and technology" is the danger, not technology alone. Hate. This is the problem. It started with the dream of dictators like Putin and Xi Jinping - the dream of a great Russian empire and a great Chinese empire. It is extremely annoying.
The only solution is to "love each other," as Confucius and Jesus said. However, this is hopelessly difficult. I don't want a good-looking teacher. Let a beautiful nurse be in charge. Can I love them?
I continue to struggle every day. I wish there was peace.