At that time, Mrs. Skotzella was inaugurated as the first Presidentess in USA. A space shuttle came from the Moon onto the Earth. A woman existed in the space shuttle. She was auburn haired, and wore clothes of woman. The space shuttle arrived at the Earth when, she wasn't able to move at all. Then several stewardesses came and called out to her. And she said, I wear a heavy chemise, therefore I can't move. Please help me off with it. And they started to undress her. She wore a black chemise. It consisted of a heavy material. They tried tuck up the chemise, but it didn't get to be turned up. She said, The chemise weights 68 kilograms, therefore it weights 480 kilograms on the Globe. You may cut it with scissors. She called the Earth, the Globe. And they started to cut it with their own scissors. And she got to can move, and left off her cut chemise, and stood up , and wore the clothes again. And she got off the space shuttle. She was walking across when, the signal changed into red, therefore she started to run. Then she was able to run fast, therefore she got been surprised. Because on the Moon, fat persons step on the ground tightly, and run fast; but slim persons like her are too light, therefore they can't run fast. And she finished crossing, and got been glad in her heart, and said to herself, My weight was 8 point 5 kilograms on the Moon, therefore it is 51 kilograms on the Globe. And she startrd to search for a hotel. And she found Hotel Gamīl. Gamīl is the Arabic for Beautiful , therefore she went into there, in high spirits. Then the floor was flooded. And the air-conditioners were blowing out steam. And the chandeliers started to fall successively. And she went out, and went into Hotel Iskandaria that existed on the neighbor. She wrote her name on a visitor's book, Artemidor Lievrein. In reality she was a male. Artemidor went into a room. Coat hungers didn't exist in the room. But a reproduction of Venus of Milo existed in there, therefore he dressed it with his coat. And he telephoned to his mother. Her name was Diana. She can speak German only, therefore then he spoke in German. Artemidor said, Now, I get stayed at Hotel Iskandaria, and get decided to stay at there. And he started to talk. And they finishe talking when, Diana said, That well do! Don't keep cats. And she rang off.