オライリー”What Is Web2.0”の4ページ目 の要約です。
O'Reilly "What Is Web2.0"を要約してみる その1
O'Reilly "What Is Web2.0"を要約してみる その2
O'Reilly "What Is Web2.0"を要約してみる その3
O'Reiily"What Is Web2.0"
4. End of the Software Release Cycle
As noted above in the discussion of Google vs. Netscape, one of the defining characteristics of internet era software is that it is delivered as a service, not as a product. This fact leads to a number of fundamental changes in the business model of such a company:
1 Operations must become a core competency. Google's or Yahoo!'s expertise in product development must be matched by an expertise in daily operations. So fundamental is the shift from software as artifact to software as service that the software will cease to perform unless it is maintained on a daily basis. Google must continuously crawl the web and update its indices, continuously filter out link spam and other attempts to influence its results, continuously and dynamically respond to hundreds of millions of asynchronous user queries, simultaneously matching them with context-appropriate advertisements.
It's no accident that Google's system administration, networking, and load balancing techniques are perhaps even more closely guarded secrets than their search algorithms. Google's success at automating these processes is a key part of their cost advantage over competitors.
It's also no accident that scripting languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, and now Ruby, play such a large role at web 2.0 companies. Perl was famously described by Hassan Schroeder, Sun's first webmaster, as "the duct tape of the internet." Dynamic languages (often called scripting languages and looked down on by the software engineers of the era of software artifacts) are the tool of choice for system and network administrators, as well as application developers building dynamic systems that require constant change.
Perl、PYthon、PHP、Rubyのようなスクリプト言語がWeb2.0企業において重要な役割を果たしているのも、理由があります。Perlについて、Sunの初代Webマスター、Hassann Schoroederが述べた言葉に次のようなものがあります「Perlはインターネットの水道管だ」動的な言語(しばしばスクリプト言語と呼ばれ、ソフトウェア時代のエンジニアから見下される)は、システムやネットワーク管理者のための道具であり、同様に、常に変化を求められる動的なシステムを構築する開発者のためのものでもあります。
2 Users must be treated as co-developers, in a reflection of open source development practices (even if the software in question is unlikely to be released under an open source license.) The open source dictum, "release early and release often" in fact has morphed into an even more radical position, "the perpetual beta," in which the product is developed in the open, with new features slipstreamed in on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. It's no accident that services such as Gmail, Google Maps, Flickr, del.icio.us, and the like may be expected to bear a "Beta" logo for years at a time.
オープンソースの開発にならって、ユーザーは共同開発者として扱われるべきです。(当のソフトウェアがオープンソースライセンスのもとでリリースされることはありそうもないですが)オープンソースの教義「早くリリースし、常にリリースしろ」は実際、「常にベータ版」という、より過激な概念に変化しました。そこでは、新しい機能を月ごと、週ごと、日ごとにつけくわえながら、オープンにソフトウェアが開発されます。GmailやGoogle MapsやFlickr del.icio.usなどが、数年にもわたって、当然のように「ベータ」のロゴでありつづけているのには、理由があるのです。
Real time monitoring of user behavior to see just which new features are used, and how they are used, thus becomes another required core competency. A web developer at a major online service remarked: "We put up two or three new features on some part of the site every day, and if users don't adopt them, we take them down. If they like them, we roll them out to the entire site."
Cal Henderson, the lead developer of Flickr, recently revealed that they deploy new builds up to every half hour. This is clearly a radically different development model! While not all web applications are developed in as extreme a style as Flickr, almost all web applications have a development cycle that is radically unlike anything from the PC or client-server era. It is for this reason that a recent ZDnet editorial concluded that Microsoft won't be able to beat Google: "Microsoft's business model depends on everyone upgrading their computing environment every two to three years. Google's depends on everyone exploring what's new in their computing environment every day."
Flickrの開発リーダー、Cal Hendersonは最近、30分おきにサイトの構造を変えていることを明らかにしました。これは、全く新しい開発モデルです!全てのWebアプリケーションがFlickrのように開発されているわけではありませんが、ほとんど全てのWebアプリケーションが、PCやクライアント・サーバーの時代では考えられなかったほどの開発サイクルで開発されています。こうした理由により、最近のZDnetの社説では、マイクロソフトはグーグルを倒すことはできないと結論付けました。「マイクロソフトのビジネスモデルは、2、3年に一度、全ての人がコンピューター環境をアップグレードすることを前提にしています。グーグルのビジネスモデルは、全ての人が、毎日、コンピューターを使って何か新しいことを探すということを前提にしています」
While Microsoft has demonstrated enormous ability to learn from and ultimately best its competition, there's no question that this time, the competition will require Microsoft (and by extension, every other existing software company) to become a deeply different kind of company. Native Web 2.0 companies enjoy a natural advantage, as they don't have old patterns (and corresponding business models and revenue sources) to shed.
5. Lightweight Programming Models
Once the idea of web services became au courant, large companies jumped into the fray with a complex web services stack designed to create highly reliable programming environments for distributed applications.
But much as the web succeeded precisely because it overthrew much of hypertext theory, substituting a simple pragmatism for ideal design, RSS has become perhaps the single most widely deployed web service because of its simplicity, while the complex corporate web services stacks have yet to achieve wide deployment.
Similarly, Amazon.com's web services are provided in two forms: one adhering to the formalisms of the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) web services stack, the other simply providing XML data over HTTP, in a lightweight approach sometimes referred to as REST (Representational State Transfer). While high value B2B connections (like those between Amazon and retail partners like ToysRUs) use the SOAP stack, Amazon reports that 95% of the usage is of the lightweight REST service.
アマゾンのWebサービスは2つのカタチで提供されています。ひとつは、SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)という正式な形式にのっとったカタチで、もうひとつは、単純にHTTP経由でXMLデータを配信するカタチです。単純な方は、しばしば、REST(Representatilnal State Transfer)と言われる軽いアプローチです。B2Bのような付加価値の高いやりとり(アマゾンとトイザラスのような小売パートナーとのやりとり)ではSOAPが使われていますが、95パーセントの利用者が、軽いRESTサービスを使っているとアマゾンは報告しています。
This same quest for simplicity can be seen in other "organic" web services. Google's recent release of Google Maps is a case in point. Google Maps' simple AJAX (Javascript and XML) interface was quickly decrypted by hackers, who then proceeded to remix the data into new services.
他の「有機的な」Webサービスでも、同様に単純さを追求しています。グーグルが最近リリースしたグーグルマップは、これに当てはまる事例です。Ajax(javascript and XML)を使ったグーグルマップのシンプルなインターフェースは、すぐさまハッカーによって解読されました。そしてハッカーは、新しいサービスにデータをリミックスし続けています。
Mapping-related web services had been available for some time from GIS vendors such as ESRI as well as from MapQuest and Microsoft MapPoint. But Google Maps set the world on fire because of its simplicity. While experimenting with any of the formal vendor-supported web services required a formal contract between the parties, the way Google Maps was implemented left the data for the taking, and hackers soon found ways to creatively re-use that data.
There are several significant lessons here:
1 Support lightweight programming models that allow for loosely coupled systems. The complexity of the corporate-sponsored web services stack is designed to enable tight coupling. While this is necessary in many cases, many of the most interesting applications can indeed remain loosely coupled, and even fragile. The Web 2.0 mindset is very different from the traditional IT mindset!
1 ゆるやかにシステムを繋げることができるように、軽いプログラミングモデルをサポートすること。会社がつくっているようなWebサービス開発環境は、複雑すぎて、システムをつなげるには窮屈です。実際、多くの面白いアプリケーションの繋がりはゆるいものです。もろいとさえ言えます。Web2.0の考え方は、伝統的なITの考え方とは全く違うのです!
2 Think syndication, not coordination. Simple web services, like RSS and REST-based web services, are about syndicating data outwards, not controlling what happens when it gets to the other end of the connection. This idea is fundamental to the internet itself, a reflection of what is known as the end-to-end principle.
2 調整ではなく、協調しよう。RSSなどの単純なWebサービスは外部のデータと協調していまが、データをコントロールするようなことはありません。この考え方は、「end-to-end」の原則として知られているように、インターネットそのものの基本的な考え方です。
3 Design for "hackability" and remixability. Systems like the original web, RSS, and AJAX all have this in common: the barriers to re-use are extremely low. Much of the useful software is actually open source, but even when it isn't, there is little in the way of intellectual property protection. The web browser's "View Source" option made it possible for any user to copy any other user's web page; RSS was designed to empower the user to view the content he or she wants, when it's wanted, not at the behest of the information provider; the most successful web services are those that have been easiest to take in new directions unimagined by their creators. The phrase "some rights reserved," which was popularized by the Creative Commons to contrast with the more typical "all rights reserved," is a useful guidepost.
3 ハックしたり、リミックスしたりできるようにしよう。オリジナルのWebや、RSS、そしてAjaxというような仕組みが共通しているのは、ハック・リミックスが可能だということです。こうした技術の再利用にあたっては、障壁がほとんどありません。ブラウザの「ソースの表示」機能は、誰でもWebページでをコピーできるようにしました。RSSは、情報提供者の要求によってではなく、誰でも欲しい時に欲しい情報を手に入れることを可能にしました。もっとも成功したWebサービスとは、製作者も想像がつかなかった新しい使われ方をします。クリエイティブコモンズによって有名になった「一部権利保有」という言葉は有益な道標です。
Innovation in Assembly
Lightweight business models are a natural concomitant of lightweight programming and lightweight connections. The Web 2.0 mindset is good at re-use. A new service like housingmaps.com was built simply by snapping together two existing services. Housingmaps.com doesn't have a business model (yet)--but for many small-scale services, Google AdSense (or perhaps Amazon associates fees, or both) provides the snap-in equivalent of a revenue model.
These examples provide an insight into another key web 2.0 principle, which we call "innovation in assembly." When commodity components are abundant, you can create value simply by assembling them in novel or effective ways. Much as the PC revolution provided many opportunities for innovation in assembly of commodity hardware, with companies like Dell making a science out of such assembly, thereby defeating companies whose business model required innovation in product development, we believe that Web 2.0 will provide opportunities for companies to beat the competition by getting better at harnessing and integrating services provided by others
6. Software Above the Level of a Single Device
One other feature of Web 2.0 that deserves mention is the fact that it's no longer limited to the PC platform. In his parting advice to Microsoft, long time Microsoft developer Dave Stutz pointed out that "Useful software written above the level of the single device will command high margins for a long time to come."
Web2.0の特徴の1つとして注目されるべきなのは、それが決してPCプラットフォームに限った話ではないと言うことです。マイクロソフトの開発者、Dave Stutzは「機器の垣根を越えた便利なソフトウェアは、近い将来莫大な利益をもたらすだろう」と指摘しています。
Of course, any web application can be seen as software above the level of a single device. After all, even the simplest web application involves at least two computers: the one hosting the web server and the one hosting the browser. And as we've discussed, the development of the web as platform extends this idea to synthetic applications composed of services provided by multiple computers.
But as with many areas of Web 2.0, where the "2.0-ness" is not something new, but rather a fuller realization of the true potential of the web platform, this phrase gives us a key insight into how to design applications and services for the new platform.
To date, iTunes is the best exemplar of this principle. This application seamlessly reaches from the handheld device to a massive web back-end, with the PC acting as a local cache and control station. There have been many previous attempts to bring web content to portable devices, but the iPod/iTunes combination is one of the first such applications designed from the ground up to span multiple devices. TiVo is another good example
iTunes and TiVo also demonstrate many of the other core principles of Web 2.0. They are not web applications per se, but they leverage the power of the web platform, making it a seamless, almost invisible part of their infrastructure. Data management is most clearly the heart of their offering. They are services, not packaged applications (although in the case of iTunes, it can be used as a packaged application, managing only the user's local data.) What's more, both TiVo and iTunes show some budding use of collective intelligence, although in each case, their experiments are at war with the IP lobby's. There's only a limited architecture of participation in iTunes, though the recent addition of podcasting changes that equation substantially.
iTunesやTiVoはWeb2.0の重要な原則をみせてくれます。それらはWebアプリケーションではないけれども、シームレスに連動し、Webプラットフォームの力を有効に活用しています。データマネジメントがそれらに求められる重要なものであるのは明白です。iTunesなどはサービスあり、パッケージソフトウェアではありません(iTunesの例では、ユーザーのローカルなデータだけを管理し、パッケージアプリケーションのように使われていますが)なにより、iTunesとTiVoの両者は、みんなの知恵(collective intelligence)を使いはじめました。ポッドキャストの追加が、実質的に問題をへんかさせたとはいえ、iTunesにおける参加の構造は、ほとんど限られています。
This is one of the areas of Web 2.0 where we expect to see some of the greatest change, as more and more devices are connected to the new platform. What applications become possible when our phones and our cars are not consuming data but reporting it? Real time traffic monitoring, flash mobs, and citizen journalism are only a few of the early warning signs of the capabilities of the new platform.