Employees should be allowed to work any hours |  職業:作曲家のつぶやき


  作曲家 Takayuki Mitsuhashi の音楽活動を中心に紹介していきます。

(For my practice for English examination and this might be not my honest opinion.)


Q: As long as they meet deadlines and attend meetings, company employees should be allowed to work any hours they choose.  


Agree or disagree?


I know there are some smart people whose skill are more sophisticated than that of other people and they also can finish their tasks quicker than other employees. Therefore, I partly understand that they should be allowed to work any hours they choose. However, I disagree with this statement for the following two reasons.


To begin with, I believe that the peer group pressure is imperative for most people. Forcing standard employees to do the same everyday routines has a strong effect in order to keep their motivation and keep the companies safer and more stable. In fact, I know an American professor who claim this method. In his view, most people are really normal and they cannot manage themselves and cannot keep their high motivation although only a few special people can do them. If companies give them right to decide their working time, they may be lazy easily. Thus, from the point of view of companies’ stability, companies should force their employees to do the same action. By doing that, totally, companies can keep their better environment to work and guarantee stable outcome of them.


Secondly, by paying additional money, companies can evaluate high skilled workers. Some advanced people may think that it is unfair because they have to stay their offices longer in spite of already finishing their tasks by using advanced skills and sometimes, they may have to deal with additional works which shouldn’t be assigned to them. In this way, I believe companies should pay more money to them or they should be promoted higher positions on which they can get much basic salary. As far as I’m concerned, it is by no means difficult for us to judge whether which employees are good or not. Actually, since I have been running my own company, I know that is easy. Therefore, I can conclude that companies should force their all employees to follow the same routine and rules but at the same time, should evaluate sophisticated workers properly by paying higher salary.


In conclusion, for these reasons, keeping better environment of companies, and being able to evaluate skilled workers by paying money more, I disagree with this statement.