「木やら 」「Trees and things」 | 高橋翻訳事務所スタッフリレーブログ




I drew this piece to be the first page in a comic that I am am thinking about creating, but when I finished this page, I felt that it was solid enough to stand on its own as a single piece of art. I am actually a little bit busy with some other projects right now, so I have had to put this comic on the back burner for a while, but I decided I wanted to go ahead and show this piece as-is until I can resume working on the comic from the second page onward.

The method that I used to create this piece was a first for me, and I totally want to use it on future projects too. It was really fun. What I did was to take characters that I drew separately and put them together into one picture using an image editing software on my computer.

I also colored each character separately as well, so all I had to do to create this one page was to simply pull them onto the digital canvas which would become the finished piece (the work space on the image editing software) after I finished each character and then adjust the size, location, and direction there. In order to give the page a bit of depth, I did darken the coloration of the characters who were suppose to be farther back, but for the most part this was a process that did not require a lot of tweaking.

Looking closely, you can see that I did use the same characters several times. I used to think that copying the same character on the computer and using that copy several times in the same piece was absolutely unforgivable, but I decided to give it a try this time around. The reason that I found it unforgivable in the past was that it does away with the work of drawing all elements by hand, an effort that is the true testimony of a creator's love for his artwork. It felt like a short cut. But after I tried it, I realized that the method of using the same visual element over and over again has the benefit of creating rhythm in a picture. And I realized that by altering the size and darkness of an object just a bit, you can add variation and enrich the feeling of rhythm even more.

I wanted to instill this comic with that special kind of energy that only manifests when I take pen in hand and start drawing whatever I feel like without planning anything out. And I have wanted to put that kind of energy in comics for a long time. If the story calls for a horse to appear, so you have to draw a horse out of necessity, drawing loses its fun, and the result can be a horse that is not very fun to look at. If I draw without experiencing the joy of drawing, then of course it goes without saying that the joy of drawing won't transmit to the viewer through the drawing. I can't draw things just for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of some sort of story, and so I have struggled for a long time with the thought that maybe drawing comics just isn't for me. But I think I have finally arrived at a solution at long last. Instead of coming up with a story first and then drawing everything that pops up in that story, the method of making comics that I want to pursue now is how to take things that I have drawn freely and then weave them into a story. Right now I am looking at a lot of picture books and illustration books and studying ways of linking drawings together. The piece that I put up today does come close to what I would consider an ideal method of creation, but I think that I would like to use words more. That is because, the more abstract the illustration side of things becomes, or the surreal it becomes, the more the words need to pitch in at a level of clarity where they can explain what is going on. And also of course there is the simple reason that using words is fun.

By the way, I did mention in the past that I want to look at more works by Andy Warhol, one of the representatives of pop art, study them, and expand my views on art. But I actually created this piece before I started thinking in those terms. I can see now that I was already using the "reproduction of a motif" method of creation that Warhol used. It seems that maybe I was already moving slowly in the direction of the kind of pop art that Warhol represents.


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