ステンドマス Stained Mass | 高橋翻訳事務所スタッフリレーブログ




The title is a play on words of "stained glass." The "mass" in "stained mass" rhymes with "glass," and can be interpreted as a lump or collection of things, the amount of matter in a body, or the Catholic rite of Mass. Because stained glass has largely been used to decorate churches since days of old and thus tends to have a rather religious image, the "religious Mass" meaning might be perceived as being fairly prevalent here. "A collection of things" is also an appropriate interpretation, with the nuance of "a collection of reproductions of a picture." Just as multiple pictures exist within this picture, I wanted to give the title multiple meanings as well. By packing multiple meanings into one word, and letting the word "glass" also cast a ghost-like shadow over the phrase due to rhyming with the title even though it is not actually present here, I wanted to flavor a short and compact space with deep meaning. I like simple puns used for humor, but I also like this kind of word play that imbues a complex meaning upon one word. I kind of feel a kinship between that sort of thing and making art.

To make this piece, I took "Masochist Forest," a piece I had put up here previously, shrunk it in size, copied it, and laid it out in a grid pattern. Then I used the software's functions to change the color of each "tile" in the grid. This is the first time I have ever worked in this way. And of course, I thought of Andy Warhol while doing it, as he is famous for making many of these types of pieces.

I have not actively pursued looking at Andy Warhol works outside my university art history lectures. Of course, he is famous for depicting soup cans and faces of celebrities multiple times on one surface. In many of these types of works, he worked with them in such a way that the copied images, which were the individual elements that made up the compositions, differed from each other in terms of color. But actually, I was not very interested in this until recently. I think that is because I saw that art as lacking originality in their role as purely decorative objects. But of course, first off, I see now that I was wrong in classifying them as purely decorative objects. There may possibly be meaning imbued in them that I simply did not know about, so I should study Warhol over again from that angle. And, even if they could be classified as "purely decorative objects," I think the reason I did not sense any originality in them was simply that the bulk of Warhol's career as an artist was already fairly over before I was born. Thinking on it now, I can see that when Warhol started putting out art, he was doing things that no one had ever done before him, so his all of works should be viewed as being extremely original. What's more, not recognizing them as original in and of itself is a testament to the sheer level of his influence on modern society. In other words, you could very well say that the utterly new approach and philosophy he developed towards art has permeated not only the world of fine art but also industries involved in creating visual items that reach the eyes of the masses, like commercial art, commercial design, and advertising, and completely changed those worlds forever. The reason I did not recognize the originality of his works is none other than the fact that when I was born in 1974, the world around me had already absorbed his philosophies about visual products.

But there is one more major reason why I was not very interested in Warhol from the time I found out about him at school. And that is the fact that, from my high school years all through my college years, whenever it was discovered that I liked comics and illustration more than academic art (a tradition originating in Europe, this refers to artworks created based on ideas taught in universities and academies and the training required in those institutions), my art teacher at the time would always try to introduce me to the works of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. These well meaning teachers who did not really understand comics were apparently under the impression that Warhol and Lichtenstein were representatives of the movement of being an academic artist while at the same time capturing the charm of comics in their works. In other words, they were trying to teach me that the world of fine arts could have that same pop feel seen in comics.

Putting aside for a moment the whole issue of how you should feel about Warhol and Lichtenstein as fine artists and if their work is interesting as fine art, it would be absolutely wrong to assume that just because someone likes comics, they are going to immediately be drawn to their work.

Recently I have begun to see the appeal of their work as fine art, and I want to look at lots of things they have done and incorporate their ideas into my own work. But when I was introduced to their work as a student under the pretense of their work being comic-book-like art, I felt strongly that their work had nothing to do with comics... I suppose my relationship with their work was ill fated from the beginning. It is no wonder it was difficult for me to come to like them at that time.

But of course, I am really looking forward to getting into their work on my own now. I'm really glad I finally started liking them.


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