生物学的には我が子であっても | 心の泉  Fountain of the Heart

心の泉  Fountain of the Heart












でも、私は実際子育てをしてみてとても反省していることの一つにこの遺伝の影響を重要視し過ぎた、ということがあります。 自分の子だから、遺伝の影響で、私はこう育ってきた、などルーツに起因した考えはとても思考を狭めると思います。


子供にはこんな感じで育ってほしい = 自分はこうでありたかった、であったり自分が育った環境を押し付けたり...












でも.... 子供ってそんなにガチガチにルールで締め付けなければいけないのだっただろうか??


しっかり寝て、ご飯をいっぱい食べて たくさん遊んで

好きなことを見つけて さえいれば 多少部屋が散らかってようが、親の好きじゃないものを好んでいようが良いのではないか?


























Whether you are a mother or a father.

I feel that my children have inherited my genes and there are many scenes in which my children find their own roots in the process of growing up.

On the one hand, it is a joy, but it can also make you think and look back on your past, indulge in nostalgic thoughts and give you a lot of insights.

On the other hand, it can make you realise a completely different side of yourself (not genetic?). On the other hand, I think there are so many times when you realise that there is a completely different side (not genetic?) to you.

Of course, I believe that genetics has a big influence on children.

But one of the things that I have reflected on very much in my parenting is that I put too much emphasis on this genetic influence. I think it's very narrow-minded to think that because it's your child, because of genetics, because of the way I was brought up, because of my roots.

I want my child to grow up like this = I wanted it to be this way, or I impose the environment I grew up in...

It wasn't until my children were past their teenage years that I was able to accept that they were completely different individuals, even if they were my own children.

I think it is the capacity of a parent to be able to accept this.

It's hard to change your thinking, even if you know in your head that the path you have taken is not the whole path.

Children have new ideas and unique sensations and express a desire to follow those ideas.

Sometimes this is completely incomprehensible to the parent, and sometimes the behaviour is very far from the norm for the parent.

But .... Did children have to be so rigidly confined by rules?

Sleep well, eat lots of food, play a lot.

As long as they find something they like to do, doesn't it matter if their room is a bit messy or if they like something their parents don't like?

Sometimes they like things that their parents don't like, sometimes they are interested in things that their parents don't particularly care for, sometimes they have thoughts that they don't share at all, sometimes they have the same thoughts as their parents.

I feel that it has taken me a very long time to be able to tolerate these individual differences in my 'own' child.

Before being a parent, you have to look at your own self and not impose it on others, but coexist with it.

Even though I know it in my head 

It's really difficult.

But if you learn to take care of yourself and be honest with yourself

A lot of the difficulties are reduced and it becomes very simple.

To be able to recognise that you are your own child and that you are a different personality, and to be able to develop that, you have to

First of all, you have to sort out your own thoughts.

It's a very painful journey, but it's a very clear one.

And you can be kind to others.

Let's take one step at a time.