summary_of_memos_vol.11 入管についてのまとめ | 都のブログ




(This summary was written with a lot of help from teachers.

Sorry but, actually I have no English skill, so maybe I can’t answer, even if you reply to me.

Please check the final report files and newspaper articles.)


[Summary of memos vol.11]


Additional information.

As I wrote this summary, a teacher told me that the “a pulse of 103 is very high, and normally it has to be treated”.


Below are the points of view from some politicians about the reason for the treatment by the immigration staff.

The following URL is an article from the mainichi newspapers.

○ 毎日新聞 [ウィシュマさんの死と「人を人として認めない」日本政府]

["Ms. Wishma's Death and the Japanese Government Not Recognizing People's Humanity."]

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And the following article is written by a journalist immediately after the final report files were published. 

○ News Socra [入管庁のウィシュマさん死亡の最終報告書、なお身内かばう内容]

[The final report files published about Ms.Wishma, and in addition, the contents to protect the organization. ]

<span style="color:#857159;">【望月衣塑子の社会を見る】入院、治療要請は幹/?r=1</span>

This article also writes about her family reaction after watching the video about the immigration facility, it also points out that many files were not disclosed. 

○ FNNプライムオンライン[【独自】「“鼻から牛乳”は日本のジョークです」ウィシュマさん映像の全容判明]

[【original-news】’”milk is coming out-from your nose” is a Japanese joke.’ The contents of Ms.Wishma’s video were revealed.]

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This article is what shocked us.

○ 朝日新聞 [飲み込めぬ様子に看守が「鼻から牛乳」 最終報告書要旨]

[when she was unable to swallow, her staff said “milk is coming out-from your nose”.]

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And etc...

○ 朝日新聞 [スリランカ人女性のビデオ開示 遺族、衝撃受け視聴中断]

[Sri-lankan woman’s part of the video disclosed, the contents of the video completely shocks the bereaved family, viewing was suspended.]

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○ 東京新聞 [ウィシュマさん死亡問題 最終報告書を評価した有識者の所属団体が、法務省から随意契約]

[Wishma’s death: The group of experts who evaluated the final report received a no-bid contract from the Ministry of Justice. ]

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○ 東洋経済 [ウィシュマさんへの「残酷な扱い」が起きた仕組み -このまま終わっては同じことが繰り返される-]

[How the “cruel treatment” of Ms Wishma happened, if nothing is done, the same will happen again.]

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○ [スリランカ人女性死亡事件に見る「入管の闇」の深さ【コメントライナー】]

[The “Dark side of Japanese immigration system” in the death of a Sri-lankan woman.]

<span style="color:#857159;">;p=jpp038882057-500-50</span>


○ Sandamali’s younger sister to leave Japan citing mental stress

<span style="color:#857159;">’s-younger-sister-leave-japan-citing-mental-stress</span>


○ 東京新聞[【動画あり】「警察や入管の対応、検証を」ウィシュマさん死亡問題 5団体が声明 法改正も求める]

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○ 朝日新聞[「姉の魂に安らぎを」 ウィシュマさん死亡の真相追求続ける理由とは]

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○ CHUKYO TV News WEB[スリランカ人女性死亡問題 ウィシュマさん遺族 殺人容疑で入管局長らを刑事告訴]


○ TBS NEWS[ウィシュマさん死亡 当時の名古屋入管局長らを殺人容疑であす刑事告訴へ]


○ 毎日新聞[スリランカ人遺族、名古屋入管幹部を刑事告訴 殺人容疑で]