summary_of_memos_vol.7 入管についてのまとめ | 都のブログ




(This summary was written with a lot of help from teachers.

Sorry but, actually I have no English skill, so maybe I can’t answer, even if you reply to me.

Please check the final report files and newspaper articles.)


[Summary of memos vol.7]


Attachment of the final report files(2) P.27 

on February 18th. Doctor A gave instructions for consultation in Psychiatry. As mentioned above they decided to get her checked in the psychiatric department.

The above decision was shared with executives and treatment department staff from the Nagoya immigration facility.


The urine test results weren't shared.

Their explanation was that they didn't know it (that explanation was in the form of quoting files P.70).

They said the information was scrutinized among his subordinates. 


Did they really not know about the urine test results?


If the Diary and Business overview book and Information sharing book of guards etc... were  recorded normally, they would know everythings.

But they didn't share information about her body condition (starvation), they only shared that she was given a plan for a psychiatric consultation.


I don't know why. It's very strange.


Attachment of the final report files(2) P.50  annotation 80

The staff recognized that the medical information provision is only a document for providing information from Doctors to Doctors.


Due to the nature of the documents, contents were not shared with staff other than  nurse and associate nurses.


So, these texts are showing the nurse and associate nurse knew the contents of the document.


But the nurse and associate nurse didn't share with the staff who were everyday directly communicating to the inmates.

That means, maybe they did not share the drug's side effects  with other staff ?


Notably, the contents of the medical information provision of the attachment final report files didn’t mention about the drug's side effects.

Or was it not shared because doctors are already aware of the side effects of the drug.

If the above is true, why were the known side effects not shared with other staff?