summary_of_memos_vol.4 入管についてのまとめ | 都のブログ




(This summary was written with a lot of help from teachers.

Sorry but, actually I have no English skill, so maybe I can’t answer, even if you reply to me.

Please check the final report files and newspaper articles.)


[Summary of memos vol.4]


Attachment of the final report files(2) P.47

(on March 4th)

External medical institution medical care implementation status

"Somatization disorder or suspicion of malingering”.


Reported symptoms:  hallucinations, insomnia, nausea.

Prescribed suitable medication and awaited results.


Prescribed Quetiapine Tablets 100 mg (antipsychotic, one tablet at a time before bedtime) as well as Nitrazepam Tablets 5 mg (sleep inducer, anticonvulsant, one tablet at a time before bedtime).


Attachment of the final report files(2) P.48 annotation 73

the prescribed "Quetiapine Tablet 100 mg" was a "Seroquel 100 mg tablets"


Attachment of the final report files(2) P.48 annotation 73(the drugs attachment)

usually to adults 25mg at a time, 2 or 3 times a day is  gradually increase the dosage on the patient's condition


as a "warning"  , due to a significant increase in blood glucose level, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic coma, etc... serious side effects may occur, and there is a chance of death.


during administration of this drug, blood glucose level must be monitored  thoroughly.


in advance, fully explain to the patient and his/her family that the above side effects may occur. 

And  be careful of abnormalities such as thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, diabetes, etc.

And if the patient experiences any of these  symptoms, 

Immediately discontinue administration and seek medical attention immediately.


It is clear that the prescribed drug can cause side effects including Ketoacidosis, an illness that the patient was already suffering from February 15th.


The drug's normal rules for administration start from 25mg and increase the amount gradually because it causes very serious side effects.

But this time, the drug prescribed and administered to her was 4 times the  amount, it was 100mg .


And they didn't follow up with measurement of blood glucose level etc.


It wouldn't have been prescribed If the urine test results were shared with Doctor D, would it have ?


(I think she needed the immediate infusion treatment necessary in the first place.)