summary_of_memos_vol.2 入管についてのまとめ | 都のブログ




(This summary was written with a lot of help from teachers.

Sorry but, actually I have no English skill, so maybe I can’t answer, even if you reply to me.

Please check the final report files and newspaper articles.)


[Summary of memos vol.2]


The following contents are my summary based on the final report files and explanations of staff from the immigration facility and some media information.


The explanations of staff from the immigration facility were "the nurse told Doctor A about the urine test results on February 18th" and "Doctor A said, he is not sure if he heard this from the nurse".


As a side note.

Attachment of the final report files (2) P.23(step by step details)

urinalysis was performed with assistance from the prison guard and the results were revealed within the same day


That means the nurse knew it on February 15th.


The final report files P.66

urinalysis results showed Ketone bodies and protein levels are surpassing the safe limit. The results were reported to Doctor A


in such a situation~(omit)~. An enteric nutritional supplement(drink) was prescribed to her by Doctor A on February ​22nd


Doesn't that mean the doctor knew the results on February 22nd?



Intestinal solution with Inoras efficacy.

Postoperative nutrition retention of patients, and preservation of nutrition when it is difficult to eat.


Attachment of the final report files (2) P.29

at 7pm, she was given the intestinal solution containing Inoras 178.5㎖ that was prescribed  by Doctor A, but she immediately threw up.


Doctor A recognized that her body was in a state of starvation and newly prescribed the intestinal solution containing Inoras.


But she immediately spat it out.

(she couldn't drink, she was in a situation where she needed an IV drip)