Sitges like winter | Rugby Sitges Sunset

Rugby Sitges Sunset

Sitges Sunrise and Sunset are very beautiful. SitgesのSunriseとSunsetは非常に綺麗です。 Like most people who love rugby, the Spaniards are rough and sloppy, and I love them. スペイン人は大雑把でいい加減で、ラグビーを好きな連中と同じで、私は大好きです。



It's been raining since this morning. It suddenly cleared up in the afternoon, and when I went shopping, I was shivering from the cold. It started to get cloudy again in the evening, and it started raining again at night. According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny for about two days starting tomorrow, and then it will rain again and the temperature will drop considerably. In the evening, I went out to shoot under a cloudy sky, but it was so cold that my hands were shaking, and the video seemed to shake a lot.







Tomorrow is Sant Jordi Day, and on this day it is customary to give roses to women and books to men, so temporary bookstores and flower shops line the promenade next to the beach in Sitges.


明日はSant Jordiの日でこの日は女性には薔薇の花を、男性には本をプレゼントする習わしで、Sitgesのビーチ横の遊歩道には臨時の本屋と花屋さんが並びます。