Bombay Dreams The Musical ✨ | すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba


I've been the worst ever at updating my blog... I'm so SO sorry. It's literally the craziest thing in this day and age that we have a gazillion social media sources, and I can never keep up with all of them. BUT! I'm pretty up to date on my Instagram, so have a look if you guys have one!

My username is: sumire808

Like our area code in Hawaii 😊🌺🌴🌈

And here's the link: 


ブログのアップ全然出来てなくて。本当に本当にごめんね…😢😓😰 今の時代ではもう色んなSNS (ソーシャルメディア) があり過ぎて、もうついていけなくて…だが!結構まめにインスタグラム (海外の方では凄い人気なツイッターの次の写真をシェア出来るアプリ) ではアップしてるので、そっちも見てみてね!

私のユーザーネームは: sumire808

因みに808はハワイでの電話番号で最初につく番号だからです( ´ ▽ ` )ノ





For the past two months, we've been rehearsing and performing in our Bollywood musical, "Bombay Dreams"!



I got to portray the role of Priya, an aspiring director in the Indian world of Bollywood... I really related to the character in many ways, but I also had some new discoveries and lessons to learn as a woman in the industry as well. I felt so fortunate to be able to be a part of this show, and grow in my acting, and in some ways, the way of life!



今回のキャストは本当に仲良い家族みたいな皆でした✨😭✨ 毎日が楽し過ぎて、幸せな時間でした!

Our awesome cast!!! We seriously got to close, we became family :) Having a blast everyday with these talented folk, made me a happy happy gal!


主役の浦井健治さんです。笑。本当にお兄ちゃんみたいな弟みたいな、いつも優しくしてくれるアカーシュ(舞台での役名)… メイクがいつも流れてきちゃうほど情熱と演技力を込めてくれるけんちゃん。素敵です先輩!

Our leading man: Kenji Urai! Lol, excuse our faces. He's really like a brother to me, and I couldn't have done this show without my Akaash (for obvious reasons, but also because he MADE this show). His make-up ran every performance, with all of his passion and expression... I look up to you big brother!


年下でしょ?!って思うほど若くてキュートな朝海ひかるさん!😍 姉妹みたいに可愛がって下さって、もう大好き!男性メンバーにモテモテで、大変だったこむちゃん。w

Um, you're def younger than me right?! Hikari Asami literally looks like she's younger than me, and is just the cutest!!! We're like sisters too, so I guess our cast really was a big family! All the boys were all over her though... Wait, incest? Lol



The most amazing director, Ogita Sensei. He must have poured his heart and soul into this musical... The love he brought into every rehearsal, every performance, was unbelievable. That's why we were all  motivated everyday... That's why we could pour ourselves into the heart of the show... We love you Ogi-chan!



Right before we opened, at the press conference... Getting a little nervous and anxious?



My daughters from the musical, "A Tale of Two Cities" two years ago!!! They all grow so fast... :(
And they're too cute.
Really though.



パパリコチームもいっせいも来てくれた~(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 緊張しちゃった😅

Dad and Riko also came to see us! And my older brother Issei! I was probably more nervous than usual. But they said they really enjoyed it and had a great time, so yay! 音譜アップ





Always learning, always growing...

Love ya guys! 😘


Sumire 🌺🌺🌺