

Yesterday,I video chatted with my friend who I met through an online diary lesson.This February, we did an interview about our future in the lesson. We became a pair coincidentally. She said she would take their children to overseas, and I said I would make the place for children who choose not to go to school. We connected through SNS. Her daughter, who is an elementary school 2nd grade student, hasn't been to school since last June. Her daughter said to her she didn't want to go to school. She forced her daughter to go to school at first,but her daughter looked like she was in pain and her daughter said, I don't know why I have to go to school.

 She decided to respect her opinions. She thought her parents needed for school to acquire social skills and acquire academic abilities, so she thought they could do that even if she didn't go to school. She read books a lot and searched for suitable places for her, but it was difficult for them to find it because free school fees are too expensive and the student center was very boring for her, so they decided to be home schoolers. Her daughter's schedule is to study in the morning with Smile Zemi. After that, she draws pictures, reads books and does cooking. Her daughter can make miso soup for herself. She made goals for her daughter's independence, so it is important for them to acquire life skills.Her grandmothers teach her daughter cooking and sewing and flower therapy. She said if we do things we like, we'll become good  at things we aren't good at. For example, they make cushions for dolls. They use skills about math,Japanese and homeeconomics.She said we can study anytime even when we grow up,so we do what we can only do now. I was moved by her words.