bright side -653ページ目

books in 2006

If I was asked by someone, no one would ask though, I would pick up those three;

橋口 寛
ロバート・B・チャルディーニ, 社会行動研究会
ダニエル・ピンク, 大前 研一

The first one “Partnership Management (Hiroshi Hashiguchi)” visualized what I was standing and what I had to do in a matrix organization. What kind of value I ought to provide to my boss, my colleagues and my customers. This book makes me comfortable to believe matrix organization is ideal system.

The second one, “Influence Science and Practice (Robert B. Cialdini)”, gives me great tips how to build good partnership in matrix organization. This book shows tons of positive sides of influence.

The last one, “High Concept (Daniel Pink)”, shows me great picture of what kind of business person I have to be.

Common point of three books above is they become the key for 2007


Jumper's knee

I’ve had a problem with my knee for 6 or 7 months. Beginning of the problem, I even couldn’t bend my knee, and I got name of this problem, when I went to a hospital, which is “Jumper’s knee”. Yes, the name is cool, but the condition isn’t cool. Jumper’s knee usually hits athletes playing basketball, volleyball or sport requiring jump. But, I don’t such jumping. To be honest, just doing exercise bike made my Jumper’s knee. It means, although I don’t want to admit, I am too old to enjoy just exercise bike. It’s sad……ガーン

With this cool name knee problem, I had to spend 2 hours for commute (one way) at begging period of the problem, while it normally takes 1 hour and a half without the knee problem. I was always looking for escalator or elevator, as it’s really hard to take stairs. Again, I couldn’t bend my knee, or it’s so painful with the knee. Many stations have escalators or elevators or both, but some stations don’t have either one. Damn it.

I really thought all stations have at least escalators or elevators there, since I was not the only person who has such problem using stairs. There must be lots of people, facing difficulties to take stairs.

jumpers knee

Now I am wondering if I could have the same thought before having knee problem. Of course, I had some sense of need for such facilities before. But I am not confident whether I could think I was willing to pay some for the installation of escalators or elevators, for someone else, whom I’ve never met, and whom I may not see in my future. Sometime someone says that train companies have to have such facilities in stations for elderly and handicap people. I agree. But you can not think train companies install the facilities for free, but you have to think you are the person to pay for that. As far as you believe it’s train companies’ responsibility, I may face difficulty to take stairs again.


delta's merger

Is really US Airways taking over Delta Air Lines ? Many people express their concerns that they will see big airline company with poor service quality.

I didn’t know that, but Delta Air Line seems to have good reputation about its service. But after the merger, its service may be getting worse.

My question is why they have to be the same company? If they will focus on cash-cow rotes, they may face fierce competition. Even such rotes are not east coast, or southward, another Jet Blue or Southwest Airlines will venture into the area.

What’s incentive for stake holders on this merger? Yes, I have to study about airline industry more, or have to hope I will not have a chance to this new airline company.
