bright side -654ページ目

the run

My brother couldn’t make it. He has had the runs these days, and he suddenly felt some dangers, when he was on a train on his way to the swimming pool yesterday. He got off the train, and looked for rest rooms. Finally he did, but not in a bathroom but, on a platform.

I thought he should have given up going to swimming pool, if you had the run. I was about to tell him so. But I didn’t. I didn’t because I was worrying about he would lose motivation and hesitate to go out.

He has a higher brain function handicap, since stroke hit him 10 about 10 years ago. At very first time, I couldn’t imagine he would be better, but actually, he has been getting well by little and little. He is living with his (and my) parents, and now he may want to live by himself.

I am concerned very much if he lives alone, because there may be some possibilities for unexpected accidents, such as fire. If such accidents cause serious problem, I would have no idea what I have to do. So living by himself only makes my worry.

At the same time, I am wondering how important is pride for him? Before the stroke, and even after the stroke, he has much pride. He may now feel some frustrations for his current situations, where he can not do as he did before the stroke.

I, or my family, may have to take some risks, otherwise, no returns.



I believe Ichiro is one of the best baseball players in the world. His skill, technique, motivation and attitude towards baseball are just incredible. He may practice for all situations as much as he can consider in games, until he can play “his best” under such situations naturally and unconsciously. I just mentioned “his best”, but I am afraid he does not think he can play his best. I mean I feel he always seeks to reach his ideal his best, and he may know that it’s almost impossible to reach such his best. That’s why, he may always make his best at the very moment.

improvisation 1

If I am correct, Tommy Lee Jones said in an interview, I think inside the Actors Studio , that he didn’t like improvisation. He is keen to stick scripts, and always does rehearsals as much as possible. To be honest, I could not understand why he didn’t like improvisation. I doubted as he did not have improvisation skill, he might say so. I just imagined improvisation would require plenty of talents.

I now assume what you would like to say was there are tons of stuff you have to do before improvisation. Any improvisations without expressing worlds of scripts perfectly may be valueless. I have to just ask myself, do I really show my best before improvisation? Don’t I use improvisation as excuse to escape from making my best efforts?


a mutilation murder

Last Sunday, I saw a news show called “Bankisha ”, in which one of the MCs commented for a murder case that he could not believe such bizarre murder, and could not believe mentality of suspected killer. The case is that a wife killed so called her “elite” investment banker husband. The tone of the TV program was also unbelievable, bizarre and crazy something like those.

We already know the case is crazy, before the TV program showed. We already know it’s really sad that a wife kills her husband. We already know mutilation murder is so bizarre. I was wondering, when I watched it, what did this show want to show us? What implication did they want to tell us?

To be honest, I did not get anything from the show. I just felt that the show was inflaming viewers’ excitement, to get good audience share. I just wanted the show a kind of process how to decrease such bizarre.
