今日のお空と私 | super!!のブログ






Sun in strong opposition with Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

The Sun is the planet of vitality and Chiron, called the Wounded Healer, is the planet of healing and acknowledgment of concealed trauma. With the Sun square or opposite Chiron there's a light shining on renewal and deep healing. Everyone could become more aware of their deeper issues today and might begin to see where they have been wounded from long-buried past events. Profound healing is eventually possible, but it must begin with acceptance of what is there.

🇯🇵 リニューアルと深い癒しに光が輝いています。 誰もが今日の彼らのより深い問題にもっと気づき、長い間埋もれていた過去の出来事から彼らがどこで負傷したかを見始めるかもしれません。 深い癒しは最終的には可能ですが、そこにあるものを受け入れることから始めなければなりません。

Transiting Venus in strong opposition with natal Sun 


The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

Relationship energy, represented by Venus, comes into your conscious awareness for these few days, and you are more sympathetic than usual to your fellow man. You also have a heightened artistic perception, and this love of beauty will enhance your appreciation of your surroundings. It is a good time to take stock and try to get an inside view of your relationships, in order to discover which ones are truly important to you.

🇯🇵 芸術的認識も高まり、この美しさへの愛情が周囲への理解を深めます。 どれがあなたにとって本当に重要であるかを発見するために、株式を取得し、あなたの関係の内面を把握しようとする良い機会です。