ラジオ英会話2024年10月4日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey, everyone. It's Friday. You know what that means? It's time to review. This is Akino Rosa.


David: And I'm David Evans. That's right, everyone. It's review day! Yay!



Lesson 125 REVIEW





David: Okay, let's review this week's dialogues.


Rosa: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.





David: Let's start with Monday's dialog.


Rosa: Okay, guys, here's the question.


Question: What did Hiroki find?


Choices are:

A. Lots of seats.


B. A picture of someone he knows.


C. A new menu item.

Here we go.



Carolyn: Irasshaiiii! Well, look who's here! Hiroki! Long time, my friend.


Hiroki: Hi, Carolyn. Good to see you again.


Carolyn: Where have you been all this time?


Hiroki: Well, I've been busy with lots of things.


Carolyn: Have a seat.


Hiroki: What are all these pictures? Are these all your customers?


Carolyn: Yeah, they started putting up photos of themselves a few years ago.


Hiroki: Wait a minute. This one is Barbara.


Carolyn: You know her? She eats here almost every week.


Hiroki: She does?


Carolyn: Yes. Recently, at least.



Rosa: Did you get that okay? Let's go over the question one more time.


What did Hiroki find?


The answer is B. A picture of someone he knows.





David: Okay. Now let's move on to Tuesday's dialogue. Let's check out the question.


Question: What did Aoi do on the weekend?


Choices are:


A. She went out with her grandparents.


B. She bought some sandwiches.


C. She went to the park alone.

Listen up.



Aoi: Hi, Renji. Wow, you look like you got some sun.


Renji: Do I? Well, I was running outside at the sports festival.


Aoi: Did you win any races?


Renji: I came in second in one of them. How was your weekend, Aoi?


Aoi: Pretty busy. I was spending time with my grandparents. They don't get out much.


Renji: Really? What did you do?


Aoi: I made sandwiches for them and we went to the Park.


Renji: That's great. My dad says to help others is to help yourself.


Aoi: Your dad's right.



David: All right. How did you do? Let's check out that question one more time.


What did Aoi do on the weekend?


The answer is A. She went out with her grandparents.





Rosa: Alright everybody, next is Wednesday's dialogue. Here's the question.


Question: Why do the two people go to the pub?


Choices are:

A. They are lonely.


B. They are hungry.


C. They are lost.



Megan: There are no cars here, Anton. Just horses and carriages. Lots of them!


Anton: You may say I'm crazy, Commander, but I think we experienced a time warp.


Megan: I can't accept your explanation!


Anton: Well, it sure looks like we're in the 1800s. We should talk to somebody.


Megan: I'm hungry. Let's find someplace to eat. Maybe someone there can explain.


Anton: Look over there. It looks like a pub. They should have good food.


Megan: Anything'll do. I'm starving.


Anton: Yeah, me too.



Rosa: How'd you do? Let's check out the question one more time.


Why do the two people go to the pub?


The answer is B. They are hungry.





David: Alright, and last up is Thursday's dialogue. First, let's check out the question.


Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. The man wants to buy something for his cat.


B. The woman thinks Umi loves to eat fish.


C. The man doesn't like cat toys.

Here we go.



Clerk: Hello, sir. How may I help you today?


Caspar: Oh, hi. I'm looking for a birthday present.


Clerk: For your dog or cat?


Caspar: Uh, for my cat Umi.


Clerk: Is Umi a he or a she?


Caspar: Umi is a she, and she's kinda picky.


Clerk: Hmm. How about this fish doll? Cats love playing with these.


Caspar: Mmm, I don't know. I think Umi might get bored with it quickly.


Clerk: Okay. Well, we have a wide selection of cat toys.


Caspar: Thanks. I'll have a look around.



David: Alright. Did you get that? Let's check out the question one more time, okay?


Which of the following is true?


The answer is A. The man wants to buy something for his cat.





Rosa: Okay. Here's the first situation. Imagine this.


Situation 1: あなたのパートナーは、早朝から夕方まで自室で動画を見続けています。長時間動画を見るのは目によくありません。外食に誘ってみましょう。







[ヒント] 夕食を取る have dinner / すぐ近くに around the corner



A: Woooooooo!


B: Hey, watching videos for long hours isn't good for your eyes. Why don't we go out and have dinner? I found a good sushi bar around the corner.



Hey, watching videos for long hours isn't good for your eyes.







Why don't we go out and have dinner? I found a good sushi bar around the corner.



Why don't we?は「~しませんか?」。主語が weであるため、自分を含めた行動を提案しています。

Why don't you?なら「~してはどうでしょう?」。相手への提案となります。



David: Okay. Let's move on to the next situation. Imagine this.


Situation 2: 友人がまた財布をなくしました。最近売っている便利な装置の利用をすすめてください。







[ヒント]場所を突き止める locate / 可能にする enable / 装置・道具 gadget



A: Have you seen my wallet around here?


B: You lost your wallet again? That's the second time this month. Have you heard of that gadget that enables you to locate things from your phone? Why don't you put one in your wallet?



You lost your wallet again? That's the second time this month.



lost your walletは他動型。



Have you heard of that gadget that enables you to locate things from your phone? Why don't you put one in your wallet?



hear ofは「~について聞く」





Onishi: Hey, guys. What kind of videos do you like to watch?


David: Oh, me? I usually watch cooking videos. It gives me my inspiration for that night's dinner.


Onishi: How about you, Rosa?


Rosa: You know, I don't really watch videos anymore. When I feel like I want to watch something, I just go in my living room and look out into the garden. It's entertaining enough.


大西: なるほどねえ。僕はメダカですかね。




大西: ねえ、ふたりとも。どんな種類の動画を見るのが好き?


デビッド:  ああ、僕?普段は料理動画を見るのが好きだね。今晩の夕食はこれにしようって思いつくんだ。


大西: ろーざ。君はどう?


ろーざ: そうね、動画はもうあまり見ないわ。何かみたいなっていう気分になったら、ただうちのいまにいって、庭をながメルだけだもの。それで十分楽しめるわ。


大西: なるほどねえ。僕はメダカですかね。